Artificial fly fishing our waters

Artificial fly fishing is done on the upper surface or can be used floating apei.Mustile scufundate.Ambele anturala types of fish food imitate.

The artificial floating fly fishing the surface, imitating the insects that fall into the water, but not submerged artificial ineaca.Mustele imitate an insect all but dead, which was soaked with water and sank putin.Este obviously fly in the first case is offered across the water surface and in the second case more in depth.

The question is what is required to use artificial flies? Does natural baits past constantly on "food list" of grayling and trout do not meet our goal? No, because no natural bait would not withstand repeated can throw hundreds of times and would break the hook, perzandu into the waves and fisherman would be forced to replace the bait always pierdute.Si then where many fisherman take natural baits when, in certain seasons, their availability is so difficult?

First time were made of artificial flies is unknown, but they were a faithful copy naturale.Cu gas during sport fishermen but have devised so-called "fly-fantasy", which resembles the naturale.Scolile Scottish, English and German and produced a wide variety of artificial flies "infallible" is however hard to choose one bite prinzatoare "as improving fishing techniques to decide, firstly, if you fly or not we choose prinzatoare.Deci several types of flies tested in our country and then try our "luck".

"Tail" of states that experience the true artistry in this fishery is arucarea artificial flies. That is why it is best to learn correctly from the outset, all throwing movements musculitei. Experimenting throwing movements of flies for beginners can be on the waterfront, fine sand, in the presence of a " supernatural "of dumping (of course, to this end we use twine, cord and flies used).

Vertical throw is used heavily in artificial fly fishing. It comprises three distinct phases well, namely: moving rod back, her ascension rod upright and moving forward. If the first phase (moving back) requires some effort, the third stage is easy, smooth, string and thread for a moment and reached the surface. Whipping movement of water but no practical beginner fishermen. Next picture represents the three phases of throwing artificialflies.

Once we move the base itself - throwing vertical - we learn and other types of throws, for example, the horizontal (lateral), over your shoulder, etc. ejection.


 When fishing with artificial floating fly is not hard to find time întepării as you watch the way musculitei. A small surface water and whirling and throwing to bait fish. Observing these movements of fish and timing întepării require deep fly fishing with a long practice. Every bite I use after the fight with the use minciogului fish is essential.

When fishing with artificial fly rod not only, but all equipment must be easy, fine, not tired fisherman to "march" of, sometimes quite long, on the waterfront.
